World Milk Production by Country

Countries by Milk Production.

  • India is the largest milk producer in the world with 208,984,429.87 tonnes production per year.
  • United States of America comes second with 102,654,613.74 tonnes yearly production.
  • With 59,666,000 tonnes of production per year, Pakistan is the third largest producer of milk.
  • United Kingdom, with 15,221,000 tonnes of production per year is ranked at 11.
World Milk Production by Country
Country Production (Tons) Production per Person (Kg)
India 208,984,429.87 156.369
United States of America 102,654,613.74 313.196
Pakistan 59,666,000 295.564
China 41,707,232.67 29.922
Brazil 36,663,708.28 174.978
Germany 33,188,890 401.118
Russian Federation 32,333,278.3 220.138
France 25,834,800 383.892
Turkey 23,200,306.1 287.095
New Zealand 21,886,376 4,465.587
United Kingdom 15,221,000 230.481
Poland 14,890,270 387.428
The Netherlands 14,607,880 846.77
Italy 13,997,970 231.615
Mexico 13,074,771.28 104.818
Argentina 11,553,306 259.657
Uzbekistan 11,242,745 344.3
Canada 9,466,272 254.377
Ireland 9,039,990 1,861.229
Australia 8,858,135 353.627
Ukraine 8,713,900 206.178
Spain 8,702,590 186.514
Iran 7,852,424.43 96.046
Belarus 7,846,883.71 827.888
Japan 7,592,061 60.021
Colombia 6,789,000 135.973
Kazakhstan 6,247,200 341.893
Kenya 6,029,352.2 118.337
Denmark 5,644,000 974.791
Egypt 5,371,834.81 55.098
Sudan 4,633,581.07 113.577
Belgium 4,477,270 392.167
Ethiopia 4,307,793.6 40.059
Romania 4,299,700 220.226
Austria 3,867,490 437.589
Switzerland 3,840,200 452.163
South Africa 3,837,000 66.47
South Sudan 3,660,447.42 297.032
Bangladesh 3,578,282.82 21.67
Tanzania 3,331,067.34 61.46
Algeria 3,263,600.26 76.708
Czech Republic 3,092,702.2 291.397
Saudi Arabia 2,916,103.73 87.273
Sweden 2,782,220 273.53
Mozambique 2,762,659.79 95.72
Nepal 2,637,879.26 90.28
Morocco 2,593,401.18 74.577
Venezuela 2,444,176.67 76.793
Finland 2,406,520 436.131
Chile 2,276,568.38 129.542
Azerbaijan 2,223,426 224.632
Peru 2,208,731.45 70.708
Uruguay 2,182,000 622.364
Somalia 2,180,314.11 143.612
Myanmar 2,152,350.05 39.96
Afghanistan 2,143,003.38 67.87
Portugal 2,100,190 204.08
Hungary 2,085,000 213.387
Syria 2,050,599 112.15
South Korea 2,045,146.58 39.608
Greece 2,027,730 188.307
Turkmenistan 1,959,191.05 334.821
Ecuador 1,873,349.34 109.767
Kyrgyzstan 1,699,548 269.372
Uganda 1,671,599.25 43.057
Norway 1,595,178 300.278
Indonesia 1,592,558.59 6.009
Israel 1,572,320.73 176.508
Serbia 1,518,789 216.925
Lithuania 1,476,890 527.322
Tunisia 1,442,064.3 125.985
Nicaragua 1,342,996.67 213.691
Niger 1,270,610.1 59.189
Costa Rica 1,217,184.33 243.272
Thailand 1,200,000 17.345
Tajikistan 1,098,139.83 122.958
Vietnam 1,097,421.99 11.593
Mali 1,037,509 54.298
Albania 1,013,033.02 352.933
Latvia 992,220 515.252
Bulgaria 953,070 135.187
Slovakia 914,410 167.994
Dominican Republic 861,564.88 83.923
Estonia 839,400 636.327
Mongolia 789,454.18 244.863
Honduras 697,350.72 77.378
Armenia 673,300 226.716
Slovenia 642,940 311.068
Bolivia 604,069.38 53.423
Georgia 588,000 157.658
Croatia 570,000 135.97
Bosnia and Herzegovina 545,928 144.257
Paraguay 536,808 76.111
Nigeria 531,586.81 2.693
Sri Lanka 530,260.75 24.728
Guatemala 519,143.73 30.005
Madagascar 488,164.65 18.588
Taiwan 461,510 19.575
Luxembourg 446,670 741.971
Burkina Faso 445,670 22.015
Chad 445,430.66 29.012
Zimbabwe 417,567.63 28.121
Jordan 417,483.33 40.805
El Salvador 394,195.17 59.337
Zambia 386,601.23 22.892
Lebanon 384,639.2 63.123
Cuba 384,299 34.248
Cyprus 382,700 447.707
Macedonia 377,872 182.081
Mauritania 362,099.48 90.883
Oman 358,415.36 71.525
Yemen 347,284.32 12.01
Iraq 339,197.42 8.622
Botswana 292,333.41 126.943
Guinea 278,536.09 23.439
Moldova 264,900 74.601
Rwanda 264,022.06 22
Cameroon 257,644.39 10.828
Senegal 248,869.3 15.825
United Arab Emirates 238,726.67 25.02
Angola 221,469.96 7.572
Libya 220,128.23 34.018
Malawi 217,631.15 12.137
Jamaica 206,062.29 75.512
Panama 181,523 43.648
Sierra Leone 175,525.33 22.737
Lesotho 174,444.44 77.085
Montenegro 173,409 278.632
Iceland 153,294 434.175
Eritrea 147,431.99 28.418
Palestinian Territories 142,188.18 31.25
Benin 120,650.38 10.619
Burundi 117,638.44 11.014
Namibia 111,968.03 46.39
Haiti 105,600.8 9.503
North Korea 84,507.06 3.3
Central African Republic 82,191.75 17.349
Gambia 75,379.41 36.746
Kuwait 74,365.1 17.593
Guyana 55,000 70.312
Bhutan 54,654 75.162
Malaysia 49,364.52 1.512
Qatar 48,373.02 19.742
Ghana 45,849.81 1.548
Malta 42,320 88.963
Guinea-Bissau 41,127.79 25.952
Swaziland 39,935.19 34.449
Côte d'Ivoire 31,845.56 1.279
Cambodia 23,615.47 1.47
Philippines 16,080 0.151
Djibouti 14,977.89 14.278
Gabon 13,977.78 6.761
Comoros 13,469.64 15.834
Togo 11,545.78 1.57
Fiji 11,399 12.882
Bahrain 10,483.88 7.007
Liberia 9,399.54 2.145
Cape Verde 9,153.96 16.825
Congo-Kinshasa 8,913.48 0.11
Belize 7,528 19.016
Laos 7,300 1.049
Dominica 7,119.99 99.869
East Timor 6,826.5 5.412
Barbados 4,341 15.158
Congo-Brazzaville 4,051.85 0.75
Solomon Islands 3,131.53 4.695
Antigua and Barbuda 3,043.21 35.265
The Bahamas 2,820.81 7.397
Suriname 2,501 4.401
Vanuatu 2,348.35 7.712
Samoa 1,713.18 8.607
Trinidad and Tobago 1,708 1.259
Mauritius 1,320 1.044
Saint Lucia 1,032.37 5.772
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 913.9 8.342
São Tomé and Príncipe 567.5 2.871
Grenada 562.09 5.44
Tonga 323.95 3.219
Papua New Guinea 202.76 0.024
Brunei 183.09 0.433
Seychelles 83.27 0.884
Niue 58.22 35.85

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